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The charging handle is one of the most changed out parts on the AR-15, although shooters new to the AR platform tend to overlook this modification for grips, stocks, and triggers. If you’re new to the AR or you are thinking about an upgrade, this may be something you want to consider.
The charging handle serves a critical role in the operation of your AR. The charging handle for its simplicity, serves one key purposes—it moves the bolt carrier group (BCG) into the open and ready positions inside the upper receiver. This allows you to ready your rifle to fire, perform a press check to see if the rifle is empty or loaded, or clear a shell or jam.
While your new AR comes with a Mil-Spec charging handle, there are several enhancements that have been made to this piece of equipment that may have you considering an upgrade. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a standard Mil-Spec charging handle, it will stand up to abuse and it will get the job done. A Mil-Spec charging handle is made from 6061-T6 aircraft grade aluminum and has a short handle with a latch on the left side, which is depressed to release the charging handle and pull back the bolt carrier. There are some advantages to a Mil-Spec charging handle, including durability as well as a short handle, which is less likely to catch on clothing, straps, and other obstacles; however, it does have some limitations.
Over the years, manufactures have met industry demands by innovating on the design and offering features that appeal to both recreational and professional users. The list below outlines some of the innovations you may find in an enhanced charging handle, which may include one or more of the following features.
Most charging handles are located on the right side of the firearm. The AR-15 is unique in that the handle is located at the rear of the receiver. On a standard Mil-Spec charging handle, the latch release is on the left side. And since most shooters are right-handed, the shooter can maintain their right-handed grip, while using the left hand to operate the charging handle. If you are left-handed this operation can be awkward. This is where an Ambidextrous Charging Handle can benefit the left-handed shooter, since they can operate the charging handle using the right-side latch release, while maintain their left-handed grip.